ROS2Sonic  0.2.0
A ROS2 driver for R2Sonic MBES
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAID0An interpreter class that represents the Acoustic Image (AID) packet
 CBTH0An interpreter class that represents the Bathmetry Data (BHT0) packet
 CCmdPacketA class that corresponds to an r2sonic command
 CPacketThe DataFormat class is a common base class for the R2Sonic up/downlink data formats as definned in the R2Sonic data formats pdf
 CBigEndianPrimativeThe BigEndianPrimative struct represents a big endian version of various primitives. Also includes overloaded casting operators so it can be assigned to standard primatives with minimal extra syntax
 CA0An interpreter for Section A0: bathy point angles, equally-spaced (present only during "equi-angle" spacing mode)
 CBodyA datatype represnting the fixed length portion of the A0 message
 CA1An interpreter for Section A1: float beam angles, arbitrarily-spaced
 CA2An interpreter for Section A2: 16-bit bathy point angles, arbitrarily-spaced (present only during "equi-distant" spacing mode)
 CBodyA datatype represnting the fixed length portion of the A2 message
 CG0Simple straight-line depth gates
 CBodyA datatype represnting the fixed length portion of the G0 message
 CG1Simple straight-line depth gates
 CGateA structure representing the 2 byte gate information
 CH0An interpreter for the "H0" Section which describes general ping information
 CBodyA datatype represnting the fixed length portion of the H0 message
 CI1An interpreter for Section I1: 16-bit bathy intensity (present only if enabled)
 CM0An interpreter for Section M0: 8-bit magnitude data (many per ping, you assemble them into complete ping data)
 CBodyA datatype represnting the fixed length portion of the M0 message
 CMiniHeaderA datatype representing the MiniHeader common to all Packets
 CQ0Section Q0: 4-bit quality flags
 CR0An interpreter for Section R0: 16-bit bathy point ranges
 CSectionCommon base class for all r2 sonic message section definitions
 CSectionInfoA structure representing the info common to all sections
 CR2SonicNodeThe rclcpp::Node representing the connection between ROS and the R2Sonic Unit
 CMsgBufferContainer for the messages we want to buffer
 CmsgMtx_Colleciton of rosmessageg publisher and a mutex grouped for convienence
 CParametersStructure that corresponds to the parameters advertised by the R2SonicNode class. All params assoicated with this struct will have the same structure struct. Example: topics.detections member mapps to param "topics/detections"